Monday, May 8, 2017

Note the climbers. Our lunch is why we have to walk at least 5 miles, eggplant parmigiano.


  1. Wow to the climbers and Yum to the eggplant!

  2. I've been traveling a lot for work and busy with stuff around here so I haven't been on the blog for a couple days. These photos are amazing! What a beautiful spot. And right now I am very hungry so that dinner looks even more amazing. On Tuesdays G has soccer practice until 7, and Josh has swimming until 7:15, so we eat dinner at 7:30 (if we're lucky). It's been a very hectic few days, so i think tomorrow we will pick the kids up from school and go see the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie and go out to eat. Maybe we'll go to Emils to get eggplant! Is Emils still there? It's big item trash week in SJ, and it's become quite the event. So many vehicles everywhere. I just looked through the garage to see if there was anything we needed to throw out. I found two TVs hidden in there! One flat screen with no cord, and one giant old box TV. Josh and Gabe had hauled them in from a neighbor's house! >:( Back to the curb they went. Jared said I am only allowed to haul things out to the curb that are mine, nothing that is his. I wanted to throw out an old stool that is mine, but he said he plans to use the wood for something... someday. He let me haul it out. Then he says that I have officially relinquished the stool by doing that, and he can now claim it as his own, making it off limits to me. >:( >:( As you can see, this is a very difficult week for this family!! Now I'll go read your other posts. Oh and dad, a few more small packages/envelopes have arrived.

  3. That's funny about the TVs. They sounds like good trash pickers.😂 I need two night stands Suzie. Tell Josh and Gabe to find a couple of those for me! 😜
