Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Day 12, Blanding to Mexican Hat, Utah via Natural Bridges National Monument, 99 miles. Our first stop was Butler Wash ruins, a fantastic Anasazi ruins off the beaten path, few people, nice mile hike. Many flowers are blooming now and the air smells so fragrant from the aromatic plants. We hiked to viewpoints for several huge natural bridges. Does anyone know the difference between an arch and a natural bridge?
On our way to Mexican Hat we drove off a mesa on  3 miles of the harriest road we've  ever been on; a series of sharp switchbacks, 10% grade, gravel and no guard rails with shear cliff dropoffs. Scarier than Road to the Sun in Glacier Nationak Park. See photos.
 We also stopped at Gooseneck of the San Juan, one of the most outstanding embedded meanders in the world.  We are now at a very nice Inn overlooking the San Juan River. Off to Monument Valley tomorrow.
P.S. Natural Bridges is surrounded by the huge Bears Ears area set aside by Obama and under reevaluation by Trump. Beautiful forested mesas and mountains with many canyons and many Indian ruins.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know the difference but am going to look it up now!
