Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Day 19. C3dar City, Utah. We visited the Mountain Massacre site today, 117 miles round trip. In 1857 over 200 Mormons dressed as Indians with some real Indians attacked a wagon train of emigrants travelling to California.  After a 5 day seige, 2 Mormons dressed as militia road into camp with a white flag claiming to offer protection. About a mile from the wagons,  they and the rest of the militia murdered all the people, 120 to 140, except for 17 children under 6. Their possessions were taken and they were buried in shallow graves. After word got out at least 8 Mormons were tried and some convicted. The bones that hadn't been scattered by wolves were reburried.
Today there are 3 separate memorials. One on a hill overlooking the seige site, one where the men were killed and the last where the women and older children were killed. No one knows exactly why the massacre happened but the Mormons were at war with the US military in Utah at the time and the Mormons were really paranoid  about what non-Mormons might be up to.
It rained on the trip to the place, the sun came out and we saw all the memorial sites dry and then it snowed on the trip back.
Back in town we found a great Chinese buffet and Dad got asked by the dricer of a car that pulled over if he could direct him to a good gun store. This is the West!
The weather is sketchy in the mountains now so we're not sure about Bryce Canyon.


  1. Several of the young women working in our hotel are conservative Mormons dressed in long sleeved, ankle length dresses and elaborately braded hair.

  2. What a sad story. It's hard to imagine the emotions involved w deciding to Jill that many people, and all so strategically. And those poor children - how could they ever recover! ☹️

  3. Wow, what a sad story. I can't imagine being on either side of that!
