Monday, May 29, 2017

Day-31, Cody WY for one more night.  We spent most of today in the Buffalo Bill museum complex and still haven't seen everything thoroughly.  We celebrated Mom's birthday this evening with buffalo burgers and  Buffalo Bill Beer at the old scout's restaurant in the Irma Hotel.   He spent $80,000 building the place back in the very early 1900s and that contributed heavily to his financial woes.  Cody was in debt when he died, in spite of his international fame as promoter of his Wild West shows.  It was a very nice day and now we look forward  to heading to Buffalo WY tomorrow.  We'll probably take the route that goes over the Powder River Pass at just under 10,000 feet.  Hopefully it will not be snowing as it was the other day when we went over the Continental Divide at South Pass.  We hope everyone had a very nice Memorial Day weekend.  I guess that pretty much begins the summer season!  Much to look forward to.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the perfect birthday dinner in the perfect place with the perfect company. 😊
