Saturday, September 22, 2018

Today was 96 fast-paced miles on I-25 from Boulder CO to Cheyenne WY.  In Cheyenne we visited the Union Pacific Depot Museum, a favorite of ours.  Lots of interesting exhibits and an endless stream of Union Pacific freight trains streaming by just outside.  There's an interesting restaurant/brewery at one end of the depot and we had a good lunch there, just as we did two years ago, a few months before they started brewing beer.
     We also did a walking tour of Cheyenne and found that our favorite antiques shop is no longer there...a common occurrence when it comes to antiques stores.
     Tomorrow we may check out the Cheyenne Old West Museum and do some more exploring around the city...we love the strong Western flavor.
      More great weather here, sunny but not too hot.

1 comment:

  1. I’m sorry one of your favorite stores closed up shop. Glad it seems there’s still plenty to see and do!
