Thursday, September 20, 2018

140 miles today.  We drove from Boulder up to Estes Park and then into Rocky Mountain National Park.  In the Park we drove Trail Ridge Road, up to an elevation of about 11,000 feet.  The weather could not have been more perfect, with bright blue skies and puffy white clouds.  Temps in the low 60s.  Very comfortable.  We did a little hiking at one of the overlooks that has a spectacular view of the valley way, way below.  Thousands of feet below, actually.  After leaving the Park we took a different route back to Boulder, 23 miles longer than the route up to Estes Park earlier in the day.  The return route was also more remote and along the way we had to brake sharply for a magnicent male elk, with a huge rack, as he entered the road.  He was followed by his harem of 6 or 8 females, just a few yards in front of our jeep.  After giving us the evil eye the big male led his groupies into the.woods on the other side of the road.
Lunch was at a nice restaurant in Estes Park.  Burger for Pete, French onion soup for Alice.  The food was excellent, as was the view from our table.
We're still working on plans for tomorrow but thinking we may go over to Golden.
We hope all is well back in Michigan!


  1. We drove back through Nederland and down Boulder Canyon to our hotel, about a 3,000 ft drop in altitude over 10 miles. The rock formations were awsome.

  2. Sounds beautiful! It has cooled off a bit here too. Sweater weather yesterday.
