Wednesday, September 19, 2018

About 26 miles today.
First stop: Panera Bread for a baguette.
Second stop: U Colorado archives where we spent 4 1/2 hours. I looked through my Great Aunt Helen ' s huge photo album from her college days and every other photo I could find. Also looked through some of her personal correspondence.  I now have a real appreciation for my Mom and Aunt Jan who went through all her stuff after she passed away.
Pete was a big help. He took photos for me and copied numerous documents with a machine that kept acting up; a real hassle.  He also helped me carry across campus the weighty albums I brought to share with a couple from the Grand Lake Historical society up in the mountains near where many of my album photos were taken. It was a very busy but productive day.
The university is beautiful with buildings made of Colorado red rock. It took us longer to figure out how to work the pay machine than it did to park in the garage nearest the library.
We are now back at the hotel. The weather is cooler today thank goodness.


  1. Sounds like a very productive day! Minus paying for parking 😬

  2. Wish we were out there. Liam said his Colorado trip was the best time of his life!

  3. It's very cool that mom found all that stuff, and that dad is helping her. I am guessing it's not his top choice on how to spend a day, but it sounds like mom is in Heaven. You will earn your next Ponderosa buffet!!
