Thursday, September 27, 2018

190 miles today, Hulett WY to Sheridan WY with a couple of hours midway in Buffalo and nearby Fort Phil Karny.  The fort was established to protect travelers on the Bozeman Trail during the 1860s.  A couple of miles from the fort site we hiked the long ridge where on December 21, 1866, a small number of Indians decoyed a patrol of 81 U.S. soldiers into chasing them along the ridge, right into the hands of a massive Indian war party that had been hidden in vegetation below the ridge.  All 81 soldiers were killed.  This has become known as the Fetterman Masacre, named after a commanding officer.  However, a number of Indians were killed in the battle as well, estimated at 21 or more.  This all happened ten years prior to Custer's Little Big Horn fight.
Upon arrival in Sheridan we stopped at several interesting downtown shops.  King's Saddlery is a huge old business the size of a supermarket, that has many hundreds of beautiful hand-tooled sadles on display, along with thousands of lariats and other Western accoutrements.  And then, behind the shop is another building that serves as a Western museum, too extensive to be absorbed in a single visit.  King's is a highlight attraction in Sheridan.
We'll be in Sheridan for two nights.
Snow expected tonight.
Take care all.

1 comment:

  1. Brrrr stay warm!

    I’m imagining the smell of all that leather. 😊 🐴
