Sunday, April 29, 2018

Here is an addendum to yesterday's blog post regarding our visit to Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas.  Recall that we went to Fort Bliss in order to see the house where Alice's parents and 3 siblings lived for 6 months in the 1940s while her father was an Army radar officer.  The house, now home of the base's Commanding General, is pretty spectacular, as you saw in the pictures.
     But getting into Fort Bliss was an interesting experience!  First, just finding an available entry gate involved a fair bit of driving.  After we finally found it we entered a guard post and were told to fill out a form.  That form entitled us to fill out another, very detailed, form that asked for lots of personal information.  We sat in a waiting room while that form, one for each of us, was reviewed.  Next, we were called forward to have our pictures taken.  Finally, we were approved to drive to the next guard post where we showed copies of our approved forms, and drivers licenses, and were waved in.  It's a hassle to visit Fort Bliss but at the same time it's good to see that the government takes care to protect the Army's premier Tank Division installation, all 1.12 million acres.


  1. Pete I'm very surprised they let you in. Most people would take one look at you and know you are trouble, with a capitol T. I assume T (the other T) vouched for you.

    1. Exactly. They were on the verge of turning me over to the Military Police...but then T gave them a big smile and said she'd assume responsibility for me. It worked.
