Friday, April 20, 2018

305 miles today from Tulsa, OK to Fort Worth via Oklahoma City. We spent 4 hours at the amazing National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum in OK City. This place has the very best of everything western and we could have spent the whole day there. Here in Texas the trees are in leaf and everything is green. 73 degrees and lots of flowers! But the last 20 miles took us an hour and a half in rush hour traffic. Looking forward to a day with the Krohs tomorrow.


  1. Have fun visiting the Krohs! It is finally getting sunny and warm here in SJ! Woo hoo!

  2. Hope you had a nice visit with the Krohs. We spent the afternoon outside with no coats. Hallelujah!

  3. Hope you’re having a nice weekend. FINALLY feeling like spring here! Just took the dog for a walk and the whole neighborhood is outside. 🌞
