Friday, April 27, 2018

Dad wrote a great blog for today but it mysteriously disappeared. So here's a shorter version. Drove 250 miles today on good roads from Roswell to El Paso, TX (yes we drove through NM to get back to TX). We took a side trip to White Sands National Monument.  Pure white sands with interesting, unique plant life. Dad saw a lizzard too. Jets from a nearby airbase flew overhead as a nice touch to the visit. Once or twice a week apparently,  the area is closed for an hour for missile testing!
El Paso is very busy, too much so. We have decided that after visiting Ft Bliss tomorrow we will move on to the Hampton Inn in Deming, NM.
We are so we excited to announce that grandson Ben will follow in his Mom's footsteps when he becomes a Freshman at MSU in the fall. And we are so proud of his Mom, Erin, who was voted by her fellow nurses  as Nurse of the Year on the maternity ward at St Joseph Mercy hospital in Ypsilanti,  MI.


  1. Sorry Dad lost his blog post, but thanks for the shout out. :-) Rachel and I just looked at a map and I hadn’t resized El Paso was right on the Mexican border. Given the name though, that makes sense!

  2. We passed an inspection station on the northbound lane just north of El Paso. On our southbound side, we drove by a bank of cameras aimed at us and our car. The border, Rio Grande River,is about 2 miles south of us.

  3. I know, I'm always a little surprised myself to realize we are right on the border, just across from the Mexican town of Juarez. Actually, I first came through El Paso on a Southern Pacific train in 1962! I was returning from a summer job on the west coast. I was twenty years old! Those were the days!
