Friday, June 14, 2019

Day 19: Today we visited to the Rock Island Arsenal established in 1862 to make rifles, pistols, officer's swords etc. and all the things that went with them for military. It is still active. They have a small but excellent museum with rifles known to be used at the Battle of the Big Horn. Bullet casings found at the battlefield and those test shot at the arsenal from 6 weapons confiscated later from Indians  matched up. They had a wall of Indian rifles turned in to the Army when those Indians were forced onto reservations in the 1880s. And much more.
The army has hired women workers since the civil war; many a Rosy worked here during WWII.
We enjoyed a small visitors center overlooking another lock and dam at the south end of this island in the middle of the Mississippi River.  Again, the gates were wide open.
An early fort was located on the island in fur trading days and the fur trader, Davenport, became a trader with the Army too.
During the Civil War a Confederate prison was located on the Island holding about 2,000 men. There is a large Confederate as well as National cemetery.
More construction heading across the river as they are buildig a new bridge adjacent to the one we were on. So many orange cones, so many headaches! Getting to the arsenal from our hotel involved negotiating heavy city traffic and one lane over the bridge, 40 miles round trip.
We are heading to Elgin, IL tomorrow and we'll probably be home on Monday.


  1. So much history. I probably didn’t appreciate it back when I had history class, but I find it all fascinating now! I should clarify my comment from yesterday and say that I like BOTH your blog posts! Mom is excellent with detail and makes me feel like I could be right there. Definitely makes me wish I was there with you! But I enjoy dad’s sense of humor and witty comments too! 😊

  2. To enter the island we had to stop at the visitors center, fill out a form and show 2 pieces of ID. Then we had a background check and our photos taken before being given a day pass. This was required as Rock Island is an active military base

    1. Sounds like some serious stuff. Glad you made it in :)

