Thursday, June 8, 2017

Nebraska sand hills, Carhenge, Platte River again.


  1. Carhenge, very clever and built in so little time vs. the real deal. 😊

  2. Do the sand hills just pop up out of nowhere? Are they glacial deposits?

  3. I googled Nebraska sand dunes and came up with this. Nebraska just got a whole lot more interesting!
    Google search: With dunes that are as high as 400 feet, as long as 20 miles, and slopes as steep as 25 percent, the Sandhills are the largest sand dune formations in the Western Hemisphere plus one of the largest grass-stabilized dune regions in the world. The large sand masses that were formed by blowing sand are now held in place and stabilized by vegetation that consists mainly of grasses.

  4. The area was beautiful and very green this time of year.

  5. Interesting info Jean. Thanks for sharing.
