Sunday, June 11, 2017

Day-44.  Home again after 6,037 miles in total!  We left LeClaire IA at 9 AM (ET) for the 381-mile trip to St. Johns.  After a stop at Turkeyville for lunch,  we arrived home at 4:15.  The traffic conditions on I-80/I-94 south of the Chicago/Gary area were, as usual, horrible.  We were stop-and-go for many miles.  The westbound side was just as bad.  A check online showed that the road delays extended 40 miles!  There were serious accidents on both sides.  One on our side involved 11 vehicles, 4 or 5 of which were seriously wrecked.  There was another nasty roll-over wreck on I-69, south of Charlotte.  We saw many instances of incredibly foolish driving on the crowded interstates of Illinois and Indiana and it is no wonder that accidents abound.  But our 44-day roadtrip through the West could not have been better.  The National Parks, National Monuments and many other natural and historic sites were what this great country is all about.  But it was some of the unanticipated experiences, such as the sudden blinding snowstorm at 9,000 feet in South Pass, Wyoming, that were also highly memorable.  The hiking in areas new to us, such as the trek to Butler cliff dwelling in Utah, was always exciting.  All told, my FitBit pedometer indicated that we walked a total of 144 miles over the 6+ weeks.  We may have more to say about the trip a little later but right now we have a lot of unpacking to do.  Adios for now.


  1. Welcome home. You guys are an inspiration.

    1. Marc, thanks, and thanks for your comments during the trip, often very funny.

  2. WELCOME BACK! Glad you made it through all of that nightmarish Chicago traffic. I have enjoyed the blog, and it's fun to be able to go back and look at posts that I missed. Question: do you get a notification every time someone comments, or do you have to scroll through to look for comments?

  3. Suze, I think you need to scroll, unless you get notifications through Facebook.
