Saturday, April 29, 2017

Arrived in Le Claire, Iowa after driving 383 miles from home. Nice day until we left Michigan and the rain started. It rained heavier and heavier all afternoon. Miserable with all the semis on the wet roads too. We were so glad to get to our hotel.
Lots of dogwood and redbud blooming in the Michigan woods and lots of apple orchards in peak bloom. All urban sprawl or farmland in Indiana and Illinois. We will be here tomorrow and continue west on Monday.


  1. Glad you made it through day 1! So far nothing has changed in St. Johns.

  2. Sorry to hear about the lousy weather. Hopefully today is a better day! Glad you made it!

  3. It was "fun" going through the construction stretches in the Chicago area in the torrential rain. Whoopee!

  4. Sounds like the opposite of fun 👎👎
